Najel - Verzorgingssets
Voor gezicht, lichaam en haar
Sets: 6 artikelen
Najel "Discovery of Aleppo" Travel Set
- 1 x Aleppo Liquid Soap 500 ml
- 1 x Aleppo Soap 5% BLO 200 g
- 1 x Damascus Rose Water, 200 ml
Najel Cocooning Gift Pack
- 1x biologische amandelolie, 80 ml
- 1x biologisch oranjebloesemwater, 200 ml
- 1x biologische sheaboter, 150 g
Najel "Dead Sea Skincare" Gift Set
- 1x Dead Sea Mud, 300 g
- 1x Dead Sea Water Concentrate, 200 ml
- 1x Dead Sea Salt, 180 g
Najel "For Him Special" Gift Set
- 1x Aleppo Soap Lemon, 100 g
- 1x Organic Black Cumin Oil, 125 ml
- 1x Alum Stone, 90 g
Najel "The Queen of Roses" Gift Set
- 1 x Damascus Aleppo Soap, 100 g
- 1 x Organic Damascus Rose Flower Water, 200 ml
- 1 x Aleppo Soap 4% BLO, 200 g
Najel "My Beautiful Orange Tree" Gift Set
- 1x Organic Orange Blossom Aleppo Soap, 100 g
- 1x Aleppo-Seife 4% BLO, 200 g
- 1x Organic Orange Blossom Floral Water, 200 ml
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